(2025 – 2027)
Section 1: Titles
The RAMP elected officers shall be President-Elect, Vice-President, Financial Secretary, Recording/Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Director of Publicity.
Section 2: Nomination/Election Criteria
No person may be nominated or elected to an office unless he or she has been an active member of the organization for two consecutive years and attended at least one conference during those 2 years prior to nomination.
The RAMP elected officers shall be President-Elect, Vice-President, Financial Secretary, Recording/Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Director of Publicity.
Section 2: Nomination/Election Criteria
No person may be nominated or elected to an office unless he or she has been an active member of the organization for two consecutive years and attended at least one conference during those 2 years prior to nomination.
Section 1: Conference
- The dates of each conference shall be recommended by the Board of Directors and the members assembled. Suggested dates shall be submitted in writing and upon request.
- At the conference, a member may cast only one vote and students are ineligible to vote. There shall be no proxy voting.
- All matters arising at the conference shall be decided by the majority vote of the members present and voting unless otherwise provided in the constitution and By- laws.
- Robert Rules of Order, latest revised edition, shall be the governing parliamentary procedure at the conference.
- Officers will be sworn in at the conclusion of the election of officers during the applicable Conference by the Charter Member, Past President or Parliamentarian.
Please submit nominations to Dr. Paula S. Montgomery, Immediate Past President at [email protected]. Please note the current Nomination/Election Criteria (see info above). In addition, please type “RAMP Officer Nomination” in the subject box. The following describes the list of offices to be elected during the 2025 Conference.
A. The President-Elect shall assume the office of the President at the annual conference that occurs two years following the conference of his/her election. He or she shall:
B. The Vice-President shall work closely and cooperatively with the President. He or she shall:
C. The Financial Secretary shall keep a record of all the proceedings of the Board and Conference. He or she shall:
D. The Recording/Corresponding Secretary shall keep an accurate directory of the membership of the organization. He or she shall:
E. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the association. He or she shall:
F. The Parliamentarian shall set the rules of organization and all meetings and interpret Constitution. He or she shall:
G. The Director of Publicity shall publish immediately all of the activities for the conferences to the available media. He or she shall:
- Collaborate with the President to learn the role of the President, to become familiar with the programs of the Association and its governance, and to develop and facilitate officer transition.
- Support and assist the President as needed and make plans for the presidential term.
- Serve as Chair of the planning committee for the next two (2) consecutive Annual Conferences to:
- Organize and meet with the local planning committee to oversee the necessary preparations of the conference.
- Assist in selecting a keynote speaker, organizing the conference’s closing event/s, approving social events,
- Organize workshops and all activities related to the annual conference.
- Designate conference chairs, if needed/desired.
- Assume other responsibilities as directed by the President.
- Automatically become President of the association at the conclusion of the term as President-Elect.
B. The Vice-President shall work closely and cooperatively with the President. He or she shall:
- Preside at all meetings in the absence of/or at the request of the President.
- Become Acting President in case the President is incapacitated, or the office is vacated and shall fulfill the remainder of the President’s term.
- Perform duties that may be requested by the President and/or Board of Directors.
- Participate actively in the Conference annual evaluation
C. The Financial Secretary shall keep a record of all the proceedings of the Board and Conference. He or she shall:
- Provide support to the Treasurer to help oversee the inflow and outflow of association funds as well as all aspects of association financials.
- Accept payment of dues from members and forward them to the Treasurer for bank deposit.
- Develop reports for the Board that track inflow and outflow of funds for the association, including where finances are coming from, where they are going, who has been paying, who hasn't been paying, and any other vital and essential information regarding finances.
- Record all Association financial transactions and provide reports to the Board.
- Keep records of the membership for the organization together with such information regarding membership as the Board requires.
- Keep complete and accurate records of all matters pertaining to the organization.
- Use such a system of record keeping as agreed by the Board.
- Make quarterly reports to the President of the amounts collected and the amounts transmitted to the treasurer.
- Provide an annual report to the Board reflecting in detail the operations of the administrative office with recommendations for the improvement or procedural changes.
D. The Recording/Corresponding Secretary shall keep an accurate directory of the membership of the organization. He or she shall:
- Receive all communications to be disseminated to the membership.
- Disseminate the information within ten (10) days of receipt.
- Plan or distribute scheduling information for meetings and other activities
- Take (Scribe) minutes at board meetings, covering the discussion of each agenda item; transcribe and file the notes, and make them available as necessary.
- In the absence of the Recording/Corresponding Secretary, a member of the Board shall volunteer to record the minutes.
E. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the association. He or she shall:
- Oversee the association’s’ financial assets; maintain the budget and other financial records.
- Accept payments from members directly or through the financial secretary.
- Make deposits of all cash received into the association’s financial account.
- Prepare and provide financial statements to the organization and track all deposits, expenses and other financial dealings.
- Handle or oversee tax filings and maintain the organization's non-profit status.
- Establish the accounts of the organization as approved and directed by the board of directors.
- Establish procedures for the deposit of funds and property maintenance.
- Receive and disburse all funds of the organization as authorized by the board of directors.
- Maintains and report records of financial transactions, when requested, to the board of directors and to the association at annual meetings.
- Be a signatory on financial accounts.
- Receive all funds from the financial secretary.
- Make available to the auditor and/or Board within thirty (30) days or upon request after each conference, all books, vouchers, and receipts for auditing.
F. The Parliamentarian shall set the rules of organization and all meetings and interpret Constitution. He or she shall:
- Serve as Chairperson of the Constitution and By-law Committee and speak on law revision.
- Have available at all meetings a copy of the organization’s Constitution and Robert’s Rules of Order.
G. The Director of Publicity shall publish immediately all of the activities for the conferences to the available media. He or she shall:
- Publicize the coming of the conference, and any other events.
- Assist in the maintenance of the organization’s website and other forms of correspondence.